National Appraisal Consultants, LLC will be permanently closing on or before December 31, 2022. The firm will no longer conduct any business beyond calendar year 2022.

For professional appraisal services, visit or contact: Leon Castner at Castner Estate Services: or (484) 973-6008

How To Identify A Stradivarius Violin Violins with paper labels stating Stradivarius circa 1700abound by the millions. That’s right – millions. Most of us know that there are reproductions producedby companies like Sears and Roebuck during theearly 20th century. These weren’t actually copies meantto deceive, however. They were done out of respect andadmiration for the […]

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Jersey Boys have been making music for generations. Bruce Springsteen…Frank Sinatra…Count Basie…John McCormick….and Enrico Caruso. But they never would have been heard by millions of fans if it weren’t for another Jersey boy – Elridge Johnson. Johnson was a resident of Camden, NJ and in 1901, this music maker founded the Victor Talking Machine Company. […]

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Those Funny Black Vinyl Frisbees with Two Sides. People are collecting old vinyl records for one of three reasons: A. They are reliving their youth (nostalgia) B. They weren’t around and are trying to capture some of the old time charisma C. They see a chance to make money Just as in any collectible, people […]

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